Ok, so you had an orgasm, that is good, may be even that is what we’re "here" for. But what if you want to get another one, and you have to go to work (given that orgasm is not part of your work benefit package)? Well, you are not completely out of luck – there are several things you can do, one of which is (no, not sleep with your boss; and no, not sleep with your secretary; not a lot of orgasms come from there either; it is all much simpler – ) sneezing.
Absurd? Well, not really – the widespread practice of taking snuff was hugely popular in the 17th, 18th and well into the 19th centuries. You think it was popular due to "having no cocaine" or the absence of Ubuntu (geeky joke)? No, it was due to the fact that it felt "reallllly gooood". Of course it’s not a full blown 30 minute (pig’s orgasm lasts 30 minutes) orgasm, no, it’s that "mini-instant" one. But guess what, 30 sneezes will get you at least 30 seconds of that pleasure. So that lady at work who is constantly sick and sneezes every 15 minutes, may be not sick at all, just enjoying her self a little. Maybe some day, you’ll get to join her for a sneezing session…
Although it all sounds super cool, there are some things you should know. We are very shy, and do not really like to see other people, when we have an orgasm – usually most of us just can’t sneeze with our eyes open. Muriel Simmons (British Allergy Foundation) noted that "If you sneeze while driving at 70 mph, you will travel 300 feet with your eyes closed." Does it sound familiar? Have you ever had a 300 feet orgasm? :)
Some people call sneezing "An Orgasm of the Face", some are known to sneeze during the initial phases of sexual arousal, but McMahon, a San Francisco dentist who doubles as a standup comic, believes that: "Sneezing is better than sex. It’s a mini-instant orgasm. You keep your clothes on, you don’t get involved, you can do it in public and when you’re done, perfect strangers bless you" :)
Happy sneezing!