"; */ ?>


Apr 07

Top 10 Windows XP shortcuts

Always very useful to have/know these if you are using Windows XP. The best and the easiest way to see how useful they are is just to try them out as you go along the list:

windows key – an example of a <Win Key> that is used here in the list

    1. <Win Key> + e = Opens “Windows Explorer”

    2. <Win Key> + r = Opens “Run command” – e.g. where you can type “cmd” and press enter

    3. <Win Key> + Pause/Break key = Opens “System Properties”

    4. <Win Key> + f = Opens “Find Files”

    5. <Win Key> + d = Minimizes all windows – shows desktop – press it again to get back to original state, or try <Win Key> + Ctrl + M

    6. <Win Key> + l = Locks Computer (Keyboard)

    7. <Ctrl> + <Shift> + <Escape> = Opens “Task manager”

    8. <Shift> + <Del> = Removes file(s) without sending to Recycle Bin

    9. <Alt> + <Enter> = Shows file(s)/directory(ies) properties

    10. <Alt> + <Prnt Scrn/SysRq> = Saves snapshot to the clipboard of the current active window only

Extra cool stuff:

    <Alt> + <Esc> = Activates windows in the order that they were opened

Below two shortcuts are not necessarily Windows XP’s – they are for Firefox & IE but very useful:

    <Alt> + d = Selects browser’s Location Bar, now type google and press
    <Ctrl> + <Enter> = Attaches www. and .com to whatever you just typed, and submits it to the browser

Very simple – not for gurus, but very useful!

Apr 07

MySQL: Reset Lost Root Password

Here is a quick Step-by-Step “how to” which helps restoring MySQL root password that was lost/forgotten.

It happens to everybody, especially if several distributed (different) systems are maintained, where the password is not the same. Here is what needs to be done to restore it:

Step 1: Stop MySQL daemon if it is currently running

Depending on the operating system MySQL is installed on, the daemon can be checked/stopped differently. Here is an example on how to do it in Unix-like systems.

[ NOTE ]: You might need to run it as a Unix System superuser (root) - depending on 
          how the system is configured, and what permissions your Unix account is granted)

Here is how to stop/kill the existing mysql daemon, in case it is running:

      ps -ef | grep mysql      - checks if mysql/mysqld is one of the running processes.
      pkill mysqld             - kills the daemon, if it is running.

Note: if pkill (’process kill’) is not on a particular Unix system, use kill -9 ‘pid’, where ‘pid’ corresponds to processes that were found with ps -ef | grep mysql

Step 2: Run MySQL safe daemon with skipping grant tables

      mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

Step 3: Login to MySQL as root with no password

      mysql -u root mysql

Step 4: Run UPDATE query to reset the root password

In MySQL command line prompt issue the following two commands:

      UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD("ualue=42") WHERE user="root";

“ualue=42” is a common password for “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” people which reads “Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything=42“

Step 5: Stop MySQL safe daemon

Follow the first two steps, but this time kill (pkill) “mysqld_safe” instead of “mysqld”

Step 6: Start MySQL daemon

Depending on the operating system (Unix-like examples):

      /etc/rc.d/rc.mysql start


      /etc/init.d/mysql start


      /etc/rc.5/mysql start

etc.. check existing MySQL configuration

Step 7: Root password is reset and ready to use

Password is reset. Privileges are flushed. Start MySQL and login as root with the password set in step 4:

      mysql -u root -p mysql

Note: sometimes (most of the time) ‘root user’ privileges are required for the system (OS) in order to stop/start processes

what is next? Reset Lost Password in Sun Application Server

Apr 07

SED to parse and modify XML element nodes

In one of my previous articles I showed how AWK can be used to get a very useful statistic from server log. Today I want to introduce my other friend – SED, which will help us to modify values of element nodes within an XML file.

Here is a little info on SED from wikipedia:

sed (which stands for Stream EDitor) is a simple and powerful computer program used to apply various textual transformations to a sequential stream of text data. It reads input files line by line, applying the operation which has been specified via the command line (or the sed script), and then finally outputs the line. It was originally developed from 1973 to 1974 as a Unix utility by Lee E. McMahon of Bell Labs, but today sed is now available for Unix (BSD, Mac OS X), Linux, and Win32, as well as many other platforms.

Ok, let’s see what is given. By complete accident we have an access to an XML request (file) from Yanik’s bank (ING), that performs a transfer of $1,000,000.00 dollars to his account today in exactly one hour. Here is what the request looks like (goodnews.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
      <from>ING Bank</from>
      <message>We are pleased to inform you that the above amount was transferred to your bank account</message>

Now, what if we could just made a slight change to this request, and become a receiver of that million dollars – would not that be cool!? Well, I am not asking Yanik here, for an obvious reason… The answer is – yes, it’d be cool and SED can help us archive our goal. Here is how.

Below, I wrote a small shell script that will be using SED. The script will take three parameters from a command line:

    “xml filename”, “element name” and “new value”

Then it will extract the value from the “element name”, and substitute it with a “new value” – that’s it – that is how simple it is. Does it smell like a million dollars already? :)

Here is the code (relement.sh):

# Check that exactly 3 values were passed in
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo 1>&2 “This script replaces xml element’s value with the one provided as a command parameter \n\n\tUsage: $0 <xml filename> <element name> <new value>exit 127
echo "DEBUG: Starting... [Ok]\n"
echo "DEBUG: searching $1 for tagname <$2> and replacing its value with '$3'"
# Creating a temporary file for sed to write the changes to
# Elegance is the key -> adding an empty last line for Mr. “sed” to pick up
echo ” ” >> $1
# Extracting the value from the <$2> element
el_value=`grep<$2>.*<.$2>$1 | sed -e “s/^.*<$2/<$2/| cut -f2 -d”>| cut -f1 -d”<`
echo "DEBUG: Found the current value for the element <$2> - '$el_value'"
# Replacing elemen’s value with $3
sed -e “s/<$2>$el_value<\/$2>/<$2>$3<\/$2>/g” $1 > $temp_file
# Writing our changes back to the original file ($1)
chmod 666 $1
mv $temp_file $1

Let’s run it now and get that million dollars, that we are after:

[me at server]~: ./relement.sh goodnews.xml account my-secure-account
DEBUG: Starting... [Ok]
DEBUG: searching goodnews.xml for tagname <account> and replacing its value with 'my-secure-account'
DEBUG: Found the current value for the element <account> - '0024549Y48K3-843'
DEBUG: <account>0024549Y48K3-843</account> was successfully changed to <account>my-secure-account</account>
DEBUG: Exiting... [Ok]
[me at server]~: cat goodnews.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
      <from>ING Bank</from>
      <message>We are pleased to inform you that the above amount was transferred to your bank account</message>

Now we are getting all the money and not Yanik (well it is MY-secure-account, so technically I get it :) ).

Here is the nitty-gritty details of how that financial operation was possible…

Of course, the heart of this script is this line:

el_value=`grep "<$2>.*<.$2>" $1 | sed -e "s/^.*<$2/<$2/" | cut -f2 -d">"| cut -f1 -d"<"`

And here is what happens here:

    1. We grep “<element>whatever</element>” from the file ($1)

    2. Then we apply sed to search to ignore everything from the beginning of the line to the “<element”

    3. And finally we cut the value of this element which is located in between greater and less signs “>value<“

Easy, right?

Now let us look at this line:

sed -e "s/<$2>$el_value<\/$2>/<$2>$3<\/$2>/g" $1 > $temp_file

which uses sed’ (or vi’s) ‘s/search/replace/g” pattern to do the job – to replace all the “<element>oldvalue</element>” to “<element>newvalue</element>”. After that it saves it in a temp file, before replacing the original file.

The line

echo " " >> $1

makes sure that the source file has an empty last line, so sed can identify the “end of file” correctly

There is also one thing to mention – if you export Microsoft (e.g. M$ Word) document to XML, in order to change anything (properties) there, add these lines:

sed -e "s/<w:t>$el_value</<w:t>$3</g" $1 > $temp_file
chmod 666 $1
mv $temp_file $1

it will change all the corresponding elements to the property you need to change.

Now we are completely empowered! Quit your job – learn SED, and earn millions! No.. rather – billions!

Feel free to ask questions or leave comments.

Apr 07

Unlock Motorola V3 RAZR and go to the Moon!

Disclaimer October the 8th of 2010: I have closed the comments for this post, since people are posting a lot of advertisement + some people claim that “scotty2_8.26_downgrader_v2” has a virus. I have not written the downgrader, and it worked for me and many other people without any problems, but if you are afraid there is a virus, don’t use it: it is as simple as that.

Unlock Motorola V3 Lot’s of forum talks, lot’s of articles on Motorola internals, but none seemed to work 100%, and rather worked 97%. There was still this 3% that kept Motorola V3 RAZR owners from unlocking the phone… Here are tested, and proved to complete all 100%, steps that will let you unlock your Moty.

First, let’s get ready. All the tools that you can download below are MS Windows based (if you are using different OS, like Mac or, like me – Ubuntu, you can install MS Windows in a virtual box).

Ok, so assuming you are using MS Windows, these are the tools you will need to use:

  • MiniUSB to USB cable miniusb to usb cable in order to connect your RAZR V3 to PC/Laptop.

  • p2k drivers 2.9” – This is a set of drivers that will enable your PC/Laptop and RAZR V3 to communicate.

  • scotty2_8.26_downgrader_v2” – this is the tool written by scotty2 which downgrades your phone’s bootloader from (8.26, 8.23, 7.E0) to 7.D0, which is needed for the next tool to unlock it.

  • “P2K_Easy_Tool_v37” – this is an actual “unlocker” tool.

    (Google asked to remove the link for “P2K_Easy_Tool_v37”. you can find it using any search engine)

Let’s do it

First thing first…

Step 1. Download the tools above, unpack them (unrar, unzip – here is a good tool for that tugzip)

Step 2. Plug in your phone to the computer using (#4) miniUSB to USB cable and install the drivers. Windows will ask you to install the drivers once the phone is plugged in, so just point it to the right directory where you unpacked them

Step 3. Turn off your phone

Step 4. Press and hold two buttons the star (*) and the pound (#) and while holding press the power button – this will bring you to something that Motorola people call “the flash screen”. On the top of the screen you will see something like this:

Boot Loader
      SW Version:
      Ok to Program
      Transfer Mode

Step 5. Now you will need to run a scotty2’s tool to downgrade the Boot Loader (in this case) from 08.26 to 07.D0. For this (unpack the scotty’s zip and) run “downgrader.exe”. Follow the instructions and the output of the program should look similar to:

Waiting for phone... Found!
Getting phone interface information...
Registry Interface #: 3
Interface Description: Motorola Flash Interface
Interface LocInfo: S Flash Neptune LTE
Opening phone for communication... Success!
Getting software version… R374_G_0E.41.C3R_B,
Getting bootloader version… 08.26
Getting flash mode… SFLASH (Normal)
Sending ramldr… Success.
Jumping… ACK JUMP,03FD0010
Saving CG1 backup… Success.
Sending Restart Command…
Waiting for driver to disconnect... Done!
Waiting for phone… Found!
Opening phone for communication... Success!
Sending ramldr… Success.
Jumping… ACK JUMP,03FD0010
Erasing… ACK ERASE,C
Flashing Exploit CG1… Success.
Sending Restart Command…
Waiting for driver to disconnect... Done!
Waiting for phone… Found!
Opening phone for communication... Success!
Sending ramldr… Success.
Erasing… ACK ERASE,C
Downgrading bootloader… Success.
Sending restart command…
Waiting for driver to disconnect... Done!
Waiting for phone… Found!
Opening phone for communication... Success!
Getting bootloader version… 08.23
Getting flash mode… SFLASH (Normal)
Sending ramlrd… Success.
Jumping… ACK JUMP,03FD0010
Erasing… ACK ERASE,C
Sending Restart Command…
Waiting for driver to disconnect... Done!
Waiting for phone… Found!
Opening phone for communication... Success!
Sending ramldr… Success.
Jumping… ACK JUMP,03FD0010
Erasing… ACK ERASE,C
Downgrading bootloader… Success.
Sending Restart Command…
Waiting for driver to disconnect... Done!
Waiting for phone… Found!
Opening phone for communication... Success!
Getting bootloader version… 07.D0
Getting flash mode… SFLASH (Normal)
Sending ramldr… Success.
Jumping… ACK JUMP,03FD0010
Erasing… ACK ERASE,C
Flashing Backup CG1… Success.
Sending Restart Command…
Bootloader is now 7.D0, have fun modding!

If you have problems on the step “Waiting for driver to disconnect” (it supposed to auto restart after this step), after the phone turned itself off, just turn it on again as it described in step 3 (Press and hold * and #, then while holding press the power button) At this point you should see that your Boot Loader has changed:

Boot Loader
SW Version:

Step 6. Now it is time to run the “p2k_easy_tool_v37” unlocking tool. Run “P2K_Easy_Tool_v37.exe”,

6.1 Go to “Locks” tab

6.2 Choose your phone model (V3 RAZR) from the “Phone Model” drop down

6.3 Check “Unlock SP”

6.4 Click on “Do Selected Jobs” button

And follow the instructions. Here is the snapshot of successful result: p2k easy tool - successful result

Step 7. That should complete your journey, and Moty V3 RAZR should be good to go! Now you can take it to the Moon – it’ll work just fine!

Note the last fact is not tested due to the limited knowledge about Moon’s Global System for Mobile communication

Mar 07

Golden AWK tips to analyze a server log

Here are several of 100% working, simple, and yet very powerful TIPs on how AWK can be used to parse/process the server log (apache’s “access.log”) to return the data about website visitors and other useful statistics:

1. Find the number of total unique visitors:

cat access.log | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | wc -l

2. Find the number of unique visitors today:

cat access.log | grep `date '+%e/%b/%G'` | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | wc -l

3. Find the number of unique visitors this month:

cat access.log | grep `date '+%b/%G'` | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | wc -l

4. Find the number of unique visitors on arbitrary date – for example March 22nd of 2007:

cat access.log | grep 22/Mar/2007 | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | wc -l

5. (based on #3) Find the number of unique visitors for the month of March:

cat access.log | grep Mar/2007 | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | wc -l

6. Show the sorted statistics of “number of visits/requests” “visitor’s IP address”:

cat access.log | awk '{print "requests from " $1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort

    for better understanding here is a snapshot/part of the result:
    …. …. …. …. …. ….
    4217 requests from
    4374 requests from
    4601 requests from
    4829 requests from
    4892 requests from
    5003 requests from
    5294 requests from
    7249 requests from
    15739 requests from
    16105 requests from
    29140 requests from
    196452 requests from
    603581 requests from

7. Similarly by adding “grep date”, as in above tips, the same statistics will be produces for “that” date:

cat access.log | grep 26/Mar/2007 | awk '{print "requests from " $1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort

Below is the “very general” about the above: :)
There is a certain point in the life of any website owner when he/she stops in the middle of the street/hall/train/plane puzzled with a question: “hm… how many creatures did actually see my work?”, or even “how many creatures did see my work today?” The answer lies in front of the eyes, we just often do not see it – due to the simple fact that

we are sure we see everything ;)

but it is there… there, in a server log.

There are tons of log analyzer software out there, just go to sourceforge.net and look for one – you’ll see plenty (good example is awstats), but what if something very simple needed, and what if installing all other software is overhead, and most of the cases, another security risk? Then we go to Google, find this blog and keep reading :)

There is a very powerful, yet not well used (known?) language/tool as AWK which is there on almost any Linux/Unix. The purpose is simple:

“AWK is a general purpose programming language that is designed for processing text-based data, either in files or data streams.”