Here is the tool that helped us to find lots of music to download that was not that easy to find before.
We have already posted about musgle.com when it came out about a couple months ago, but this time we’d like share the user experience and confirm that it is indeed a powerful music search tool – well it has Google underneath, so there is no surprise after all :), and it does really have a very simple user interface.
One gotcha with search for free downloadable items is broken/false links that either do not work (any longer) or some websites make it seem like files can be freely downloaded (pretend to be FTP sites) where they are really not. But musgle (via Google) gives such a variety of links most of the time, then if it is not the first link that works (although it is almost always the first), then the second, third as max, will be it.
And yes, there are several other similar services out there in www, but musgle seems to have a much simpler interface, and more relevant search results, that it gets through Google, which we find more effective and appealing.