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Apr 08

Free Music Search

free music search

Here is the tool that helped us to find lots of music to download that was not that easy to find before.

We have already posted about musgle.com when it came out about a couple months ago, but this time we’d like share the user experience and confirm that it is indeed a powerful music search tool – well it has Google underneath, so there is no surprise after all :), and it does really have a very simple user interface.

One gotcha with search for free downloadable items is broken/false links that either do not work (any longer) or some websites make it seem like files can be freely downloaded (pretend to be FTP sites) where they are really not. But musgle (via Google) gives such a variety of links most of the time, then if it is not the first link that works (although it is almost always the first), then the second, third as max, will be it.

And yes, there are several other similar services out there in www, but musgle seems to have a much simpler interface, and more relevant search results, that it gets through Google, which we find more effective and appealing.

Apr 08

Gmail is a Little Devil

Ok, so I travel a lot. Sometimes to places where when you say “Internet” people believe in it and bow, but as in any other religion, they have never seen the subject of believing…

So today I finally got to my Gmail, after a long and exotic trip. Logged in, and what do I see? Instead of: “Hey Buddy, welcome back!”, it says you have 666 lucky e-mails in your inbox:

gmail 666 - a little devil

Did not really know if that is a good thing or a sign that I should not go through my mail :)
Well, do not worry, dear puzzled reader, this story has a Hollywoodish happy ending – I went through pretty much all my mail, fell in love with it and we lived happily ever after…

Mar 08

Get Higher-Resolution YouTube Videos with a URL Hack

YouTube High Resolution URL HackYouTube announced in November that they would be testing out encoding videos at higher resolutions (and with higher-quality audio encoding). Now it appears that a small sampling of uploaded videos can already be seen at their higher resolutions, simply by adding a little tag to the end of the video’s URL. To get a noticeable bump in resolution on some clips, add &fmt=6 to the end of the address line. The trick, according to YouTube watchers, seems to work primarily with newer videos, and bumps the resolution from 320×240 to 448×336. Add &fmt=18 to the end of the URL, and you might get an MP4-encoded version, with better audio and a 480×360 resolution. Update: Now the Better YouTube Firefox extension includes this feature.

original source – “Google Systems
article source – “lifehacker.com

Feb 08

Install Maven Plugin for Eclipse

Installing a Maven Plugin for Eclipse can be a bit tricky if you want to get the whole spectrum of features. By default you would go to “Eclipse -> Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install”, then “Search for new features to install”, then click on “New Remote Site”, and enter the Maven Projects name (e.g. Maven2Plugin) and its home URL there “http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/“.

Once you install it at first everything would seem quite right. However, if you try “Import” a Maven Project, you will not see such an option in under the “General” menu, since it would be missing.

The reason for that is that “http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/” brings in an old version of the plugin. (At the moment of writing) It brings in “Maven 2 Plugin 0.0.9”, whereas what you need is 0.0.12.

Hence you read the “Maven Integration for Eclipse” installation guide and point your “New Remote Site” to “http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/update/” instead of “http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/“. The one thing to be cautious about is an “update” link will try to also bring “subclipse” and “mylin” projects, hence you will need to “uncheck” them if you do not want to bring them:

Choosing only Maven dependency while installing Maven Plugin for Eclipse

Happy Maving everybody! :)

Feb 08

Discover Owners of SVCHOST.EXE

Microsoft Windows (any flavor) is known to be very secretive and dishonest when it comes to telling its user/client/owner what is taking up sooo much system resources, and answer the question “why is my Windows so slow?“.

If you take a closer look at your Windows system you will notice that many CPU cycles and megabytes of RAM belongs to the process with very non-descriptive name “svchost.exe“. You can go to windows task manager by pressing “Ctrl+Alt+Del” and choosing task manager (if it does not come up by itself), or by running “taskmgr” command in your run window “Start -> Run” (more about the second approach in this arcticle “Windows Commands: Think You Know It All !?). So here is an example of a Windows Task Manager:

windows task manager processes

(click on “Processes” tab to get to the same view)

This is a snapshot of a “clean” Windows that has just started with NO custom applications running (well besides “mspaint.exe” to get a snapshot, which is ultra small). And already you can see there are 6(!) “svchost.exe” processes that take up RAM and will take up a lot of CPU when you start your Internet Browser, e-mail client, MS Office, Games, etc…

But if you ask what these “svchost.exe” processes responsible for, who started them, and who is their owner, Windows will say: “You are an average Windows user, we exposed everything you need through window managers, if you are unhappy, well.. tough luck”. And that happens to most of people who use Windows, because most people who are technical enough will use something like Linux or if budget allows people would go for Mac.

So here is a simple howto, for all people who are still on Windows, on identifying and disabling owners of “svchost.exe”.

To see the owners follow these two simple steps:

  • Go to “Start->Run”
  • Type “cmd” and press “Enter”. Black command screen will pop up. (Don’t be afraid of it – it is your friend :) )
  • In this back command prompt (what people call it) type “tasklist /svc” and press “Enter”

You should see something similar to the picture below:

tasklist /svc - Discover owners of svchost.exe

Now you can actually see the “services” that are hidden behind this meaningless name “svchost.exe”. Well, that is one step forward, but now what?

Now you can go to Windows Service manager and read about each service that is using “svchost.exe”. Let’s do together:

  • Go to “Start->Run”
  • Type “services.mcs” and press “Enter”

windows start->run services.mcs

After you press “Enter”, you should see windows services manager:windows services manager

Browsing through the services you can read their description and decide whether or not you want the service to run.

There is another quicker way to enable/disable services, but without their descriptions:

  • Go to “Start->Run”
  • Type “msconfig” and press Enter

windows start->run msconfig

After pressing “Enter”, you should see “System Configuration Utility”:

msconfig -> System Configuration Utility

Click on “services” tab to get the above view. As you can see you can “check/uncheck” desired services to change their state from “Running” to “Stopped”. But if you unfamiliar with a particular service, read its description first in “windows services manager”, or google it, if it is not there.

Keep up a “clean” and fast Windows system, and good luck!