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Apr 07

Mozilla is suing Microsoft over tabs in IE 7

According to the German tech-site heise.de, the Mozilla Foundation is suing Microsoft over the use of tabbed browsing in Internet Explorer 7. The Mozilla Foundation owns the patent 5,160,296 through one of their developers (Solomon Katz, a former Opera dev) and has begun suing Microsoft in Mountainview, California. The Foundation wants that Microsoft immediately ceases to distribute IE 7 and pays 1.4 Billion dollars in damages. Heise reports that Microsoft has issued no official response, but is contemplating to ship IE 7 NT (no tabs).

from slashdot

Apr 07

Dell will sell PCs pre-installed with Linux

Go Linux!

Computer giant Dell announced that it is to start selling PCs pre-installed with the Linux operating system.

Dell is the second-largest computer manufacturer in the world controlling 16 per cent of the market and the move could dent Microsoft’s dominance of the software market. The Windows operating system is installed on 90 per cent of PCs with Linux believed to be used on six per cent.

Dell made its move in response to a survey of 100,000 customers that it carried out earlier this year. Some 70 per cent of respondents said that they wanted to use Linux.

“I think it will be a big blow to Microsoft,” said Alfred Thompson, technical director of First PointLtd., the local importer of Dell computers.

Microsoft’s head office, located near Seattle in the United States, declined to comment.

source: jamaica-gleaner

Apr 07

FREE Wireless network in your home from GOOGLE!

  Sick of paying for broadband that you have to, well, pay for? Introducing Google TiSP (BETA), our new FREE in-home wireless broadband service. Sign up today and we’ll send you your TiSP self-installation kit, which includes setup guide, fiber-optic cable, spindle, wireless router and installation CD.

TiSP in-home wireless broadband is:

  1. Free, fast and highly reliable
  2. Easy to install — takes just minutes
  3. Vacuum-sealed to prevent water damage

You can learn more about TiSP via the links below, or get started now.

Sign up for our free in-home wireless broadband service!

P.S. Hope you don’t mind this very cool April Fool’s joke from GOOGLE :)

Mar 07

“Oil Supply Shock” – we’ll be out of oil by 2040!

Facts and arguments or rumors and gossips?

There is a new report out on Peak Oil (point of maximum oil production) released by US Government Accountability which says that US is vulnerable and the government is unprepared for unacceptably high risk of “oil supply shock”

According to this report the oil peak will occur without any warning any time from now to 2040 (what a bogus time frame)

The below video piece is a coverage of the report from CNBC:

That makes us thinking.. hm… “If Opportunity and Discover find some oil on Mars, we may start packing…” :)

Mar 07

ICANN: Registerfly has forzen ALL the transfers!

Not that long ago ICANN terminated RegisterFly to be an accredited registar. Under the agreement RegisterFly could initiate arbitration challenging the termination, which it did and that means the termination has to be stayed by at least an additional thirty days.

Consequently there will be NO BULK(domains) TRANSFER to another Accredited registrar until further notice.

comments from ICANN:

      This clearly does not help registrants. It is another example of RegisterFly putting its own interests ahead of its customers.
      ICANN is committed to pursuing RegisterFly under the terms of the Agreement.
      ICANN has filed suit in Federal Court in the Central District of California to require RegisterFly to turn over all registrant data and to require them to provide updates every 48 hours and open up their books for audit. This will assist in making sure the data is accurate when a bulk transfer does occur or if the data is otherwise not available from the operators of RegisterFly.
      RegisterFly is still required to assist registrants who want to transfer to another Registrar.
    ICANN will provide more updates as information becomes available.

This news are quite sad, to say the least. I have several RegisterFly domains that are in the process of being transferred, and now everything is frozen.

I just called and spoke with GoDaddy – they cannot give any guarantees. RegisterFly is impossible to reach. ICANN cannot do anything, because of the agreement.

Any thoughts?